
Produktcode: MRInt-2018-2-76
Fundstelle: MR-Int 2018 Heft 2, 76 - 79
Autor: Stefan Holzweber
Titel: Self-Preferencing in Digital Platform Markets: A new form of abuse?
Beschreibung: Digital Platform Markets are frequently characterized by the presence of dominant platforms that are suspected of abusing their market power by forestalling competition. In the recent Google Shopping decision, the European Commission developed a new theory of harm directed towards market-dominant platforms. According to this decision, the preferential treatment of a company’s own services can be deemed an abuse of market power if this results in market foreclosure. Stefan seeks to set this decision in the context of the platform economy.
Kategorie: IT-Recht;IT-Law
Preis: EUR 3.60 (Nettopreis EUR 3.00 zzgl. 20.00 % USt.) und zzgl. Versandkosten
ISBN: 1817-8456 (MuR Wien)
Typ: Artikel PDF
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