
Produktcode: MRInt-2018-2-74
Fundstelle: MR-Int 2018 Heft 2, 74 - 76
Autor: Bettina Höchtl
Titel: Making Economic Use of Data and Protecting Individuals from Full Transparency: An Opposing Pair?
Beschreibung: Strengthening a European data economy as well as keeping a high level of protection of personal data are EU-wide goals. Bettina discusses if making economic use of data and protecting individuals from full transparency are mutually contradicting and sheds light on beneficial effects of strong data protection on a data economy: data economy - insufficient legal Framework - data marketplaces - Data Market Austria
Kategorie: IT-Recht; IT-Law
Preis: EUR 3.60 (Nettopreis EUR 3.00 zzgl. 20.00 % USt.) und zzgl. Versandkosten
ISBN: 1817-8456 (MuR Wien)
Typ: Artikel PDF
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