
Produktcode: MRInt-2018-2-68
Fundstelle: MR-Int 2018 Heft 2, 68 - 71
Autor: Yafit Lev-Aretz
Titel: Personalized Choice Architecture
Beschreibung: Yafit Lev-Aretz (The Information Law Institute, New York University) focuses on an additional value category of users’ data: data-driven, personalized choice architecture. Based on individual profiling, personalized choice Architecture tailors nudges to the personality traits and preferences of specific users. While personalization offers many Benefits such as, lower costs and frictionless processes, the line between legitimate microtargeting and manipulation is a fine and context-based one. As personalization becomes more effective, we must confront this line-drawing task to address personalized choice architecture and secure users‘ autonomy within a well-functioning online environment.
Kategorie: IT-Recht; IT-Law
Preis: EUR 3.60 (Nettopreis EUR 3.00 zzgl. 20.00 % USt.) und zzgl. Versandkosten
ISBN: 1817-8456 (MuR Wien)
Typ: Artikel PDF
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