
Produktcode: MRInt-2018-2-53
Fundstelle: MR-Int 2018 Heft 2, 53 - 57
Autor: Philipp Homar
Titel: Remunerating Rightholders for Uses on User Upload Platforms: Value Creation vs. Participation
Beschreibung: User upload platforms (e.g. YouTube, Soundcloud) have become significant market players in the music industry. They are currently in the center of the European Copyright reform process: In order to secure rightholders (e.g. record companies, authors, performers) a fair remuneration for uses of their works, the proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSM-Dir) aims at adapting the scope of the making available right and the liability exemption for host-providers. This short paper analyses Basic implications of this reform approach on the remuneration of rightholders.
Kategorie: IT-Recht
Preis: EUR 3.60 (Nettopreis EUR 3.00 zzgl. 20.00 % USt.) und zzgl. Versandkosten
ISBN: 1817-8456 (MuR Wien)
Typ: Artikel PDF
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