
Produktcode: MRInt-2016-4-151
Fundstelle: MR-Int 2016 Heft 4, 151 - 152
Autor: Clemens Appl
Titel: The EPU Joint Research Project on „Prosumerism and IP“ - Summary Report
Beschreibung: The author outlines the goal and the development of the collaborative research Project on "Prosumerism and IP" amongst the WU Vienna (University for Economics), the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. This Project, funded by the Eurasian-Pacific Uninet, is seen as a foundation on further scientific exchange between Austrian and Chinese Researchers on legal IP/IT-issues. >>> Free Download
Kategorie: Urheberrecht (EU; Österreich)
Preis: EUR 0.00 (Nettopreis EUR 0.00 zzgl. 20.00 % USt.) und zzgl. Versandkosten
ISBN: 1817-8456 (MuR Wien)
Typ: Artikel PDF
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