
Produktcode: B-438-15
Autor: Josef Donát - Martin Maisner - Radim Polčák
Titel: Software Protection - A Comparative Perspective

Medien und Recht München 2011,  XII, 266 pages.

The book aims to provide academics and practitioners in the field of ICT law with basic comparative information on fundamental questions of software protection in different jurisdictions worldwide. Lawyers from member firms of the MULTILAW network in 24 jurisdictions and the legal experts from the Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, contributed to this publication.

Kategorie: Software Law; Copyright Law
Preis: EUR 42.00 (Nettopreis EUR 39.25 zzgl. 7.00 % MwSt.) und zzgl. Versandkosten
ISBN: 978-3-939438-15-1 (MuR München)
Typ: Buch
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